Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Once Bitten, Twice Shy

Today I was leaving my morning job, headed home for a quick lunch before my afternoon job. I noticed a little dog, about the size of Jake, maybe a bit bigger, walking int he middle of the street. A busy one at that.

So, I decided to be a good Samaritan and see where he belonged because I could see he had an identification tag on. Plus I'd like to think someone would help my dog if he got away. I pulled over to the curb, called him (or her - couldn't tell) over and then stooped down with my hand out as he approached so he could sniff me. Instead, he bit me. Man, I wanted to kick him clear across the street and might have except for the witnesses driving by. I no longer cared if he got run over. I was MAD! I saw another guy stop and thought perhaps it was his dog so I rolled down my window and asked if it was so I could find out if he was current on his rabies shot. The guy wasn't the owner.

I got home, called animal control, and asked that they go pick him up, find out of he'd had his rabies shot and then call me back. Man did that ever start a chain of events.

As I drove to work they called to say they'd picked up the dog and had a picture. They wanted me to i.d. the thing. It was all I could not to laugh. They met me at work and sure enough, it was the very dog that bit me. Then they took a picture of my hand. I guess when there is a report of a dog bite they have to do this because the county is under a rabies quarantine, whatever that means.

He asked if I wanted to file a bite report and I said no, I just wanted to make sure he'd had his rabies so I didn't have to seek medical attention (he did). The guy told me he knew exactly where this dog went because he'd picked him up before. I hope they fine the owners BIG since they obviously know the dog has this propensity.

Then he told me to keep an eye on the bite, seek medical attention if it worsens and then to call them back if I do. I'll tell you this, I don't foresee myself stopping to help another dog any time soon. And if I see this little one, he'd better watch out. I might just bite him back.


Anonymous said...

I'm proud of your restraint. You've come a long way. A few years ago you WOULD have kicked him across the street!


Lindsay said...

Yikes! A bite from an unknown dog... scary! I'm glad that he's been updated on shots. :)