Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No, Not Really Going To Do That

Just yesterday after I told this story to a friend she quipped "you and Steve have to have great senses of humor to be together." Another friend said "it's so great you can laugh about these things and at the same time Steve is so helpful." Both are so true! Here's what happened.

Friday night I took the first dose of the second medication they are trying out on me. I had begun the first medication 3 days prior. The nurse recommended I take it at night because while adjusting to it, I can apparently feel quite sick and that way I'd sleep through most of it. Okay, I thought, makes sense.

BUT, then I read the papers they gave me about all the possible side effects, yada yada. That may very well have been a mistake. One of the things in there read "if while taking the medication you develop a temperature of 101, seek medical attention immediately because it means you are developing a serious infection from it and it could be fatal." Nice. So then I began to think taking it at night was a really bad idea because how would I know if I were to develop said fever / infection? I wouldn't and hence, the end of Julie.

I told Steve all my concerns and he said "really, Julie, if you develop a fever like that, you'll probably wake up. Besides, they have to tell you all that to cover themselves. It's not going to happen." Then I had an ingenious idea. Here's the conversation:
J: "Okay, how about this...set the alarm on your phone to wake up every 2 hours and then you can check my temperature and make sure I'm fine."

S: "Alright." I turned to walk away when it dawned on me he probably wasn't going to do it.

J: "You are so not going to do that, are you?" I said as I turned to face him. He was shaking his head slowly as he dragged out a big...

S: "N-n-n-o-o-o!"

J: "Okay, fine. Then at my funeral you have to stand up and tell everyone the reason I'm dead is because you wouldn't wake up and check my temperature." As I said the last few words I turned to walk to the sink to brush my teeth.

S: "Alright," he said again. I turned back to face him.

J: "You're not really going to do that either, are you?"

S: "N-n-n-o-o," he said again as he shook his head. "But it's okay because you'll be dead so you won't know nor will you care."

J: "Nice."
The next morning he woke me up just before 8 to say he was going for a run. It took me about an hour to get up and around and as I walked into the living room he came in from his run. He looked right at me and said....
S: "Look who's not dead!"

J: "Obviously."
That's all there is to the story except fits of laughter of course.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

No fits of laughter but a very good chuckle that I will think about today.