Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Husband is 234 Years Old Today

So, how's that for a really catchy title? Given that, he looks superb, don't you think?

Today is the 234th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. It's a special day for anyone honored enough to have earned the title of Marine. It's not something you do or something you did once, it's who you are. Once a Marine, always a Marine.

No other branch like it. Unique in all the world and they are a lean, clean running machine. This applies to them personally as well but I was referring to the Corps in its entirety. Small budget but biggest bang for the buck. Designed to be highly mobile and able to be anywhere they need to be in the shortest amount of time. Congress has long been a friend to the Marine Corps, protecting them as various presidents tried to do away with them....didn't know that, did you?

Okay, so I'll probably be accused of being biased and/or partial but this blood runs Marine green. Happy Birthday not only to my Major but to all Marines everywhere!


Lindsay said...

Plus they have the best uniforms in the military! (also just my personal opinion) Go Marines! :)

Julie said...

And the best looking guys to fill those great looking uniforms! I guess some would say that statement is merely MY personal opinion!