Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Snippet From My Soul

Normally my journal posts are for me but sometimes they are public, particularly after the lesson has been learned. This is one of those times when I feel the potential help to someone else is worth the vulnerability plus it dishonors nobody and does not divulge a confidence. I "un-personalized" the form of some of the thoughts and questions so it isn't quite so awkward to read. Here's a look into the the pages of my journal that reflects the agony of my soul...

For the last couple of days I’ve been pondering this one question…what will (or would) I look like bald? A few of us were talking yesterday (Sunday) about the intricate details God knows about us and how valuable we are. It all stemmed from the verse in Matthew (see post bottom) that references God knowing how many hairs are on our heads. One of the guys commented “well, mine are less than when we started talking about it.” I was already struggling with that thought silently... agonizing over it actually. It must be a full time job for God to keep track of the hairs on my head given the rapidity of their departure from my head.

A couple of weeks ago I wept as I lay in bed at this very thought…I am going to be bald. Steve just held on to my hand and listened as I lamented and sort of grieved over it—even though the process is slow(ish) and it hasn't happened yet. I asked, “Doesn’t it make you sad that I am losing my hair?” He said, “No, but it makes me sad that it makes you sad.” I then asked, “Will you still love me when I’m bald?” That might sound like a ridiculous question but I badly needed the reassurance. He said, “of course I’ll love you.” The truth is he loves me no matter what. We’ve been through a LOT over the years. He wiped the tears from my face. I must have cried for another 5 minutes before I fell asleep.

When I’m in that really good place of recognizing what’s important in life and what is not, I can easily see that losing my hair is not the worst thing that can happen to someone. But let’s face it—I am human like everyone else and a woman losing her hair is traumatic. It’s not insurmountable but it can be almost too much to bear. I also know there are women losing their hair for reasons far worse than mine…like cancer. In spite of everything, I have those days when I really can’t stand the thought.

It makes me smile that I’ve had 4 people tell me they want to go wig shopping with me IF the time comes it’s necessary. I have overwhelming support although the only person who has agreed to shave their head bald with me is Steve; everyone else is a definite “no”. Yet I’m sad. When will the blows stop coming? When will God recognize that I’ve already had more than I can bear? Or am I stronger than I think because it’s not me but Christ in me? It’s not about what I can handle but what God wants to handle through me. For His glory….it’s not about me. I am just the object of the lesson. A bald lesson, perhaps, but a lesson nonetheless.

Matthew 10:29-31 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. But even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not, therefore, you are of more value than many sparrows.”

Oh, yes, I am valuable indeed. Even without a hair on my head I am valuable. That doesn’t mean I won’t cry over it. Again. And again. And maybe again. I guess it just means my tears over it are valuable too. God cares about them because He cares about me and everything that troubles me. 1 Peter 5:7 “Casting all your anxieties on Him for He cares for you.”


Sara said...

Just want you to know I love you too! I am sure we can get many people to shave their heads to be with you! And IF and i mean a big IF that happens we will still have our weeklyish lunch! God has big plans with you and is surrounding you with His arms and love lean on HIM, He has complete control and knows what is happening how far it will go and why! I love you, even if you stalk me! HEEEHEEE

Julie said...

Ah, Sara, you made me smile this morning! See, this is why I stalk you. What a mess (bigger) I would be without your friendship:)